Rebuild still ongoing in spare time. Also working on a quick demo for the YawVR2 motion platform. Below is a video of me using it with microsoft flight sim 2020. Its an excellent peice of hardware.
Little software development has been done over the last year. The project moved from Oculus Go to Quest which required a rethink of the combat system (since you have the additional DOF). Work has been done on the story line and the script along with new gameplay mechanics. In the process of rebuilding the demo with a newer version of Unity and new assets which we have had commisioned.
Progress has mainly been around the optimization of the scene, gfx have had to change due to performance issues as the previous character models are too complex for a mobile app. Batching has been immensely useful as well to reduce draw calls. Light probes are working well and some general scene optimization to make the mode of occlusion culling. Next stage is to move onto core game play and rework the new character models to add variety and try to fit the style I want, buildings will also need some work to reduce complexity and give some overhead on performance.
The base scene is already coming together, VR rig has been built and enabled, movement is in. The NPC system has been prototyped with 50 characters moving and interacting sucessfully within 60fps. Will continue protoyping the initial scene, which is the most demanding performance wise, until all the base systems are in. The storyline and gameplay are already well developed on paper so these will continue to be built up ready for episode 1 and 2.